Pride/Phrase Madness

This is a hard one to talk about...

Missing someone when you pretend that you could give a rat's butt about them.

I'm constantly guilty of this. I'm, like, fine for a good while, & then I remember one small thing, or if I still have to be in the presence of the guy, I smell his familiar scent and I'm just like 'OMG, I miss that sooo much!'

I think it's a pride thing, the reason why you look straight ahead like you don't care when you know you want to break and just say something. Pride is just annoying, whether it's your own pride biting at your insides or anothers shining on their outside.

So many times I actually do break, because I never like ending on bad terms with people. So I'll attempt to fix it. But most the times, it gets fixed temporarily and then it's back to broken. Why even try to fix it then?

Maybe that's where 'everything happens for a reason' kicks in? It's similar to saying 'your ex is your ex for a reason,' so why try again with that same person? But I have to think that they also say 'if you love something let it go, and if it comes back then that's how you know.' (I believe the 'come back' part could be because of you starting things again, or the other person as well).

Stepping off your high horse to break the ice may then cross out how they say 'your ex is your ex for a reason,' & prove that 'if you love something let it go, and if it comes back then that's how you know' right, while also maintaining 'everything happens for a reason.'

If you choose to keep moving forward without looking back, then it would be a tad different. 'Your ex is your ex for a reason' would be more fitting while 'if you love something let it go, and if it comes back then that's how you know' would fit the situation only if the other person was to start things back up, & not you (since you made the choice to move along like nothing was bothering you). All the while, 'everything happens for a reason' remains over it all. (Lol).

For those who are still following me, that ultimately leaves you to ponder if you should swallow your pride or just keep going on like nothing is wrong. In the end, releasing your pride or deciding not to, whatever happens happened for a reason ;).


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