No album cover will ever be so beautiful than:
(I do not own this photo).
Michael Jackson's Dangerous album cover is one of the first things I recall about him - as a youngster. I was addicted to this artwork. It fascinated me to no ends. Apparently, it's still embedded into my mind. Till this day, I remain a tad upset that I was never able to keep up with the cover. My Mom had the cassette and played it in the car years ago. That was the last place I remember seeing it.
An additional fond memory I have is going to Movie Hut with my Dad & sister all the time, and never failing to rent MJ's VHS of nothing but his music videos. I would watch the tape constantly, simply enjoying the music and the music videos. Though "Thriller" gave me nightmares and I'm starting to think it was my onset for my fear of zombies (lol). I wish I had been smart enough to try and buy the tape back then.
The first song of his I can truly say introduced me to his music was the one on Free Willy. Me and my sister were addicted to that movie. I still have all the VHSs of them. "Will You Be There" was the song. It used to be my favorite. Literally would play it over and over. Today, I couldn't say I have a favorite. There's too many that would fall under that category from him.
Like many, I feel like I really knew MJ when I really didn't. I don't know how he did that to so many people around the entire world, but that just proves there was something truly special about him. I wish I had been able to meet him before he passed. He is an inspiration, and was one that was taken way too soon.
To list any of his songs and leave some out wouldn't feel right. I guess this is my Playlist #17 without it really being my Playlist #17.
MJ will always be missed.
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