History Maniac/The Pacific & Band of Brothers
I am a history maniac. Don't ask me about anything before the 1900s though. I learned that stuff to forget it pretty much. It just never stuck in my mind. But really, starting with World War II, that's what I love. I cannot get enough of learning everything about it & watching movies or documentaries.
Being specific, I adore The Pacific & Band of Brothers. Both are miniseries associated with Steven Spielberg & Tom Hanks. I admire both of them to the highest degree because of their love for war just as well.
Now when I say 'love for war' I don't mean that literally. I don't love war. I am all about peace. But just the fact that these men were brave enough to go off knowing they may never return & fight for what we can call our today amazes me. I don't have the guts to go out and fight. I just don't. & I admire anyone who does. & I know they had that whole honor thing back then as well. Like they wanted to make people back at home and their families proud by stepping up and taking part in the war. I wouldn't have been able to do that either. That's one reason why I am so fascinated with World War II.
I'm also into World War I, Korean War, Vietnam, etc, but none of them grasps my attention as much for some odd reason. I still watch documentaries on them though. I will turn my television to the Military Channel and just keep it there all day. Sometimes things are on the History channels as well.
Of course War World II involves The Holocaust. I'm very into that too. Documentaries, movies, research and the whole nine yards.You can go ahead and toss 9/11 into there as well. I try to learn all I can. And things that go on in present time.
I majorly strayed away from what this post was truly suppose to be about. I was going to talk about The Pacific & Band of Brothers.
Like I mentioned, I adore both. Can't get enough of them And I have to mention that both have the most beautiful songs at the very start of the series, like the beginning credits. But I must say, Band of Brothers didn't go into depth as much as The Pacific. I think I read that Spielberg even admitted to that somewhere. Band of Brothers barely scraps under the surface with the characters, which makes it harder to know them as individuals. Near the middle/end, they attempt to give background info on characters and point of views, but by that time, I'm as lost as I don't know what.
Now The Pacific, I can go through telling you who Sledge is, Alabama was where he lived, he had a heart murmur, his best friend was Sid & all of that. I can tell you some about Bob Leckie, Basilone, & Snafu (gotta love him), & so on. The only characters I really can name from Band of Brothers is Wynters & Donnie Wahlberg (his real name, Lipton is his character; I adore the Wahlbergs) & I think there is a Frankie? I recall his face. & there was also a badass that came a little later in the series with these distinct eyes. Loved his character, but cannot remember his name (he resembles one of the guys in In Time - may be the same one).
I'm watching Band of Brothers over again, and that's what inspired this post. I wish it was as amazing as The Pacific. Don't get me wrong, it's good too, but I don't get the same connection, sadly.
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