The Political Has Become Personal

You know those moments where you are feeling as if there is a weight just sitting on your chest, bearing your lungs down, decompressing them to the point you feel as if you cannot breathe, and you are truly gasping for air, but it is just not coming and, any moment, you know that you are going to go falling over, clutching your chest, and die right there?

No? Well, I have. I am. Until now.

I do not like stepping on political territory. I love history. Love, love, love. Anything dealing with wars, I am on it. Especially World War II and the Holocaust. That is my specialty. Civil Rights does not follow far behind. 9/11 comes before the Civil Rights Movement, at least in my field of knowledge. This is coming from a person who absolutely hates war. I believe the aftermath is completely devastating, many innocent lives are taken and it is all just horrible. But only by studying up and knowing history, do I feel past actions can be prevented and known. Hence, one of the reasons I cannot keep my mouth shut anymore.

Modern-day politics, I always strayed away from. It gets too confusing to me, because they are still ongoing, and you get information here and there, and it goes everywhere, opposed to history, which has had more time to be "solidified," typically. And, I just feel it is more complicated with the passing of time.

Need I point out, I am just a writer and lover.


That means, when I feel people are being completely unjust on others--lets just say due to their religion or because of where they come from--it does not sit well with me whatsoever.

So I am going to fight back the best way I know how.

Through words.

The political has become personal.

I was one of those that felt my vote did not matter, the whole system was rigged. I thought politicians are all liars, for the most part. They do not do anything for me and so on. I still feel strongly about politics in the sense that they can be very corrupt. Or are. But even that excuse could not stop me from making sure I took part in this election, unlike before.

I gave Trump a chance. I did not just decide I did not like him from the start. I listened to him. I listened to Clinton too. I was not for her right away. Red flags were raised with each debate, not just for Trump, but Clinton. But who raised the most red flags to me... Trump.

I watched how he treated others. I read his infamous tweets. I studied much about his demeanor and what he was allowing to spew out of his mouth. Granted, he was being "real." I mean, he talked about a wall. He is trying to put that into effect now, right off the bat. He talked about immigrants, and what do you know, he has set that into motion too. So he did not lie. Not at all. I give him a hand clap for that. But the actual action and thought of what he is implementing is completely demeaning.

I have talked to people that voted/support Trump. I seriously wanted to know why. And, I kid you not, (I still like them as a person) but each answer I received was selfish, and I did not receive one response that really dug into the repercussions of what they supported. (Granted, I have also heard selfish, questionable comments from Clinton supporters/supporter of no politician, saying "I did not vote, but I did not expect Trump to win" and "I am not Muslim or an immigrant, so it does not matter to me," referring to the situations at hand).

I believe in differences, but I really have to wonder, is banning immigrants/refugees really okay to them? Especially since so many claim religion--religion backs their anti-abortion laws, religion backs their anti-gay rights--what about God opening his arms to the suffering, the poor, the hurt and sinners? I find that part of religion completely ignored at almost every turn.

I do not even want to get into the facts that the news reported, I just want to focus on the humane part of what is taking place.

Can I say that I would never personally get an abortion due to my religious beliefs, but no woman should be told what to do with her body? Can I say that Planned Parenthood is not just about abortions, but among countless other health services that are and have been beneficial to many? And before it came about, women were seeking some treatments provided in an unhealthy way, which resulted in further health issues, if not death. So it is okay for these women to be stripped of certain services and possibly risk death by going about them an unhealthy, unregulated way? And say these women are forced to have children. What about the possible aftermath? There is the possibility of these women giving birth and then killing the child they did not want/could not provide for, etc. There is the possibility of more children being orphaned, abandoned. Abused.

I look at both sides. I weigh the outcomes. I will always side with the side I see the less damage. And again, while I do not advocate for abortions, I cannot stand the thought of these kids being birthed and then completely abandoned, abused. And who is anyone to judge what one does with their body? I cannot judge. I am not God. And I do not have any intentions on being Him.

He gives free will to all of us. He has His commandments, but He does not put us on strings like puppets. Why should one human being have that right, that power?

And religion can come into play again when hearing: abortions are a sin in the Bible. I hear you. I read it. I read fornication is also a sin. Wrath. Murder. Pride. Lust. Adultery. Gluttony. So on. The list goes on. And guess what, sin has no hierarchy to God. So if you have had sex before marriage, another guess what, you have sinned like the women who received an abortion.

That is about half us, right?

I am tired of hearing that religion excuse.

Tell me you have not sinned, and then maybe a valid argument can be made. I will really applaud you on that one, 'cause, boy, sinning is hard not to do, especially nowadays.

I will never use this as an excuse to do something and continue abusing whatever action being done, but God offers forgiveness for all sins. I think I read in there that we are supposed to be just as forgiving...

In all honesty, I do not believe abortions are the answer. I also do not believe telling a women what to do with her body is the answer either. I find the answer lies in education, knowledge, being explained the consequences of all actions. But that is just me.

I sort of ran off and skipped the immigrant ban that is happening right now. My bad. Let me get back to that, 'cause it really sparked this whole rant.

So, I believe it is not helping anything. All terrorist groups have to do is use this as means of recruiting more people. When people are excluded, do not feel welcomed or feel they have nothing else to lose, and grow strongly with hatred, that is when you can expect acts to be taken that are typically violent.

I recently got caught up in old news videos and documentaries. I watched the announcement of Obama share that Osama bin Laden had been killed. Granted, that man was bad. What he did was absolutely horrible. But I had to wonder, what made him hate America so much? People are triggered or taught these things, and even if they are taught these things, someone above them was triggered to even relay such messages of hatred.

So I pondered on that a lot. We had upset him and others by being in their territory. They never wanted us there, and we invaded their space regardless. I am certain more could be placed with that, but I know that added fuel to flames. Because, if you are not aware, at some point in history, we actually gave Osama bin Laden guns, which he then, turned on Americans or the Western world. Fact.

Watching that footage, I immediately thought of the message that turning immigrants away would send. I could see nothing but more hatred.

Well, let me change that. Trump is indirectly emitting hatred, discrimination. And I will not call it a Muslim ban directly, but most those countries pertain Muslims, so... it is kind of one of those things that you can cock your head to the side, squinting your eyes and say, "Well, I do not know. This is an iffy one." Or, for instance, one of my friends (who is black) had a white girl say "Oh, there you go. Get yourself a man on there," when a Black People Meet commercial came on. And my friend brushed it off at first, but then the commercial came on again, and she said "For real, you should do it." My friend did not know whether to take it as racist or not, but... if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck... it is a duck. Honestly, that was not the only sly remarks made, but keeping them to a minimum. So knowing Trump was iffy about Muslims from the jump, and knowing those territories have a majority of Muslims... It is quacking a bit like a duck.

And let me not even get started on the ones he chose to ban. If you are going to ban something, do not half-ass commit. Especially not to your own, personal benefit. I just cannot...

All I see is selfishness across the board, ego and pride. And fear.

And it is so easy to be that way. I know that space, coming from a place where I did not open my eyes to truly imagine being in the shoes of what some people go through. I used to believe I had it rough. Oh, pitiful me. When was I ever going to catch a break. But no. That is not what living should be about. We are meant to help each other. When we see a fellow person down on their luck, we are meant to help them up, encourage them. Not exclude them. Not produce hate in whatever shape or form it may come in, 'cause it has many.

I feel for the Syrian refugees still stuck in a war they never asked to be born into. I feel for any immigrants, gays/lesbians/bisexuals/transgenders who feel or have ever felt completely discriminated against and hated. I feel for any minorities, like myself, who have felt voiceless and beaten. And, you know what, I feel for anyone who still has not taken the time to step out of their own, comfortable little bubbles to see that there is so much injustice outside their door that they ignore.

But "Nothing is real until it is experienced," right? John Keats said that. And, painstakingly, I have found that too true.

If it was not immigrants, then who would the target be next? Would there be a target on the backs of the LGBTQ community? From there, would the African-American community be next, or any other minority group? There always has to be an enemy, right?

I feel the only people that can save this country and will are the people that let others outside the country know we do not stand for walls. And we do not stand for any sly discrimination.

Call it what you want, but from the perspective of an African-American female, I see his true colors, and they are not in any shape or form pertaining to love. My foundation.


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