There is so much more than people realize than this worldly world.
There is so much more than people realize than this worldly world.
While this is my final blog for a while, I wanted to touch on this after watching Doctor Strange for the first time. Side note -- I completed all of the Marvel timeline movies on Disney+, which I am stoked about. But this film was one that I found myself taking notes of unlike any other. Who knew Marvel movies held such knowledge and life lessons that could be applied to the real world?
The Ancient One was spitting knowledge at Strange back-to-back. I found it ironic how it was coming from a woman and being received by a man. But I will not go there.
Strange had been looking through his reality through a "keyhole." The Ancient once challenged him to widen his horizons and what he thought. She even mentioned there were bounds that no one ever reaches, which I felt to my core.
I used to look through a keyhole myself. I lived within confines, and it took a failure of a relationship in college that completely broke me for me to finally see that I could either wither where I was due to someone who had no care for me at the end of the day or build myself up to the human being I wanted to be. I hope it is obvious I chose the latter.
I still struggle from time to time. It is not as if I have reached a peak that there is no falling down from. The Ancient One made a great point -- that they have not defeated their demons, but just choose to live above them. I honestly believe that is something that everyone will always be challenged by when trying to stay above their former self.
I seek to connect with others that I feel are genuinely beyond me where I am in life, and how I see it through my eyes. I seek to continue to grow and be a better human being.
Strange struggled to get out of his head and free his mind. I think that is just as human. Change is difficult. Sometimes, it even seems as if you are on your own, which gets lonely. Perhaps, you even make excuses like Strange did, saying his hands were the issue, while a man with no hands could do what he could not.
Fuck excuses. Fuck what you feel you should be because of society.
Find you. Know you. Accept you. And go out there fully you. We only know that we have this one life of ours once. Why would you not spend it being authentically you?
As I say adios for the next few months, I wish you nothing but peace, love, and the courage to seek beyond what you already know. ♡
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