Luring Out The Monster

The one thing I cannot stand above all else are thieves (& non-stop liars). I just don't like them one bit. I have no respect towards them.

When I find out that someone has stolen from me (or my family), I really go kind of mad. My air supply seems like it's being shorted, my hands get clammy, my heart goes wild in my chest and I cannot think of nothing else but exchanging a couple of words that may not be too nice or wanting to beat the person to a pulp (whether the thief is known or unknown) - though I am not a violent person.

I work hard for what I've obtained, and there are others that have done the very same. If you're not the person who worked hard to get whatever you're trying to steal, then you don't need to be touching it. Just that aspect of the property not being what they've worked for gets me the most.

I get pretty angry when people come to my work trying to get away with stealing right in front of my eyes too. It may not be my merchandise, but I work for and respect the person that does own that stuff & I am not willing to lose my job - if I know the person is walking out of the store with something unpaid for - for someone I know or don't know because of their idiocy.

One woman tried to get away with something on the bottom of her cart once. & I don't like to jump to conclusions - like the person was trying to get away with it on purpose. I know that people can honestly forget. But when I ran out to confront her that I didn't get that item, she stared at me like I was stupid. I saw red realizing she had every motive to walk away with it unpaid for. So I snatched the item up and told her if she wants it, come back inside & pay for it. Cause that was the only way she was going to get it. It wasn't mine to just let her walk away with free. (She didn't come back in for it, by the way).

& don't even get me started on when the customer tries to flip me into a thief...

I'll never forget the guys face. Long story short, he was stupid with his plan to try and get something free, but I was already two steps ahead of him to expose his failed senselessness. Then, he had the nerve to apologize while walking out the door. That whole night, he just ruined it for me. I was pissed until I fell asleep, because his lying could've easily cost me my job. You don't mess with my money. & I don't take being lied on very well either. You don't ruin my name when it's not true.

I don't like dealing with thieves in any way. I become a whole different person - someone I find hard to recognize - when I have to confront the situation. But I will do it, dragging a person through hell & back. If necessary. In this certain situation - since it is something that gets to me so much - if it comes down to it, I believe bad should be met with something that will challenge it.


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