Trayvon Martin

This guy, Zimmerman, goes after Trayvon Martin. He went after the teen, after being told NOT to, and it is clearly recorded. Zimmerman was what I call the predator. He had absolutely no reason to go after him. None.

I haven't seen nor heard any evidence to back Zimmerman's many different stories up. Him changing his story constantly is a red flag to me. If you're speaking truth, you have nothing to lie about, nothing to hide, and the story remains constant. Zimmerman saying Trayvon came after him, is that recorded on the phone like Zimmerman saying he was following Martin? Not at all.

I am really saddened and a bit frustrated about today's decision. It's just like Casey Anthony's case. She went partying with her child missing, and just that element is like a "Hello, wake up. There is no remorse. This makes no sense," the same for Trayvon Martin's case.

This is not race to me. Not at this moment. Was it race that played a role when Zimmerman went after an African American young man with a hoodie on, maybe. Maybe not. That's Zimmerman's own thoughts. (EDIT: It could've also been race for the jurors judging this case, after hearing Juror B37's stupidity on Anderson Cooper). But this case to me, represented a young man that lost his life too soon, and it could've been avoided if Zimmerman had simply listened to the operator on the other end of the phone, stating that Zimmerman shouldn't follow Trayvon; it could've been avoided if Zimmerman hadn't had a gun, like a neighborhood watch guy or whatever he was, was encouraged not to have. And if Zimmerman really feared for his life, he should've never stepped out of his vehicle.

I'm a strong believer of "Everything happens for a reason." This entire incident happened for a reason, though it is terrible it had to be this way. Hopefully this case will add more caution to similar situations. Or something.

May Trayvon Martin's family and friends find peace.


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