You's A Bitch, Lame & Coward

When I first typed the title in, I just knew that this would be a rant post, a mad one, an upsetting one, and just downright angry, bitter post. I had it all planned out in my mind. But now, I can't even...

"You's a Bitch, You's a Lame, You's a Coward" is, by far, the strongest I have ever heard a song start off with. I have yet to create anything that kicks it out of the water or hear some actual artist kick it out. The song is by K. Michelle. It's an older one - back when she was my girl. Her For Colored Girls Mixtape, What's the 901? and Signed, Sealed & Delivered got me through some of the roughest patches. Especially For Colored Girls. I still hold on to that one today, faithfully. You should definitely listen to the song. (You Should've Killed Me).

If you read one of my more recent posts, I Don't Want Space, you may see where this already goes. Between that post and this one - by the title - it's a huge jump. I had intentions on sharing more, but like I said, I can't even. It's honestly not worth it, or my time. If you read some of my more recent songs I post, or the tid-bits of the songs, you'll possibly be able to connect the dots. There will definitely be more coming from me here soon, because I have to release the overload of emotions I feel. I don't need to keep it in. I don't need to become bitter. I'll just leave the entire situation at: I now know what I didn't know.

I will leave off on this note:

"I will turn my suffering, my madness, my angst,
my confusion, my rage - into something beautiful."
- Shaire Blythe


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