Should've Known

By Shaire Blythe
Monday, March 24, 2014
Should’ve Known
If you want me at a distance, then I’ll go there,
But don’t expect me to turn back around,
Leaving this trail of love letters,
But all you’re doing is breaking my heart,
I should’ve known,
I sensed the vibes again, even though you denied it,
I thought you had known, I wasn’t up for this again,
Make me feel better, but not with bullshit,
I have to let up, cause this here isn’t the realest,
You lied,
Still tied to this rope,
I’m dangling in mid-air,
Where are you?
Making myself so damn vulnerable, and I hate it,
But I can find no other way, I have to say what I want to say,
Is anything real?
I’m so tired, trying to see what’s real,
To be a mind reader would be surreal,
I was being real,
Is there really any returning?


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