Nothing Has Been The Same

Nothing Has Been The Same

By Shaire Blythe
Sunday, June 26, 2016

Fell in touch that day, I was never the same
What I'd learned from the past, crashing into my present,
Whatever presented, the darkness and light
Don't get it twisted 'cause some darkness is light, That's just how I see
So when I'm thrown into your darkness, I don't run away
Now you know

Tracing the lines of your face, we would never be the same
A familiar space, the emptiness between us that with my questions you try to deny,
But I know, I witnessed the repetitive signs

Don’t say I'm comparing, 'cause that wouldn't be right
But I know what the energy in the universe feels like when we're keeping it real
This isn't real anymore

I don't wish to explain and you don't have to explain
Probably wouldn't make sense anyway,
Nothing does starting with beginning

All it took was one fateful day, I was never the same
Sometimes driven mad by being in tune and feel that's why I lose,
But that would be crazy to dumb down me,
The lengths I've went to gain one of the strongest parts of me

I remember those days, I fell in touch with me
Nothing has been the same
Wouldn't have it any other way


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