My Age

I can't stand looking so young to people, like I am not out of high school. But then I would hate to look as if I was older, 'cause then I would feel like I look to old.

I want to look my age. But I don't always like my age because when a perverted, old-ass creeper of a male hits on me or asks me my age, I can no longer tell them,

"Oh, I'm only 16 or 17," to get them to back off.


I have to say that I am of legal age, and my sister reminds me that legal age doesn't get them to back away now. They stay.

Very soon, I'll be turning nineteen. I'll still look like a minor, I don't want to look older than I am, and those perverted-ass creepers still won't back away.

But come to think of it, when I am like fifty, I would like to look like thirty. ;)


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