Nothing Like It

Nothing Like It

By Shaire Blythe
Sunday, June 19, 2016

There's all things to consider, the good things, the bad
Hope to see clearer, shed the madness, lost in the past

Vibrant shades on my walls, I am centered
Sometimes the curtains drawn, I remember 
Think I have escaped, Erase the memories 
But I was wrong, they creep again
And then they're gone, leaving me at peace, In silence
I need reminding, there's nothing like it

All things considered, I am no one else
Never been more true, staring at the likes of you
Viewing the perfections and flaws, knowing what one is up against
Took me a while to accept, now no settling for less than what I can see

Make up your own story, I'll keep my stories
Feeling everything, never can escape
Giving my life my everything, no matter what comes my way
Wouldn't change anything

All things considered, being torn and rebuilt into a being I never thought of over and over again 


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