Truth Is...

Saturday, July 23, 2016

I was once very much the girl who would keep my mouth shut no matter what, not wanting to voice my opinion, fearful of asking questions, not wanting to start potential conflicts/debates, etc. I still struggle from time to time with speaking up, because I believe in being selective of battles, mindful of what you say, how it is said, etc. But I also know the despair that can come along with drowning your voice out and risking answers you will never know and the countless, eye-opening, positive "battles" you can miss out on, contributing to your growth, knowledge.

I like to discover, I like to ask questions, I like to have a voice that is my own. I guess if that makes me a "ball-buster," at times, it simply does. And I prefer nothing but the same in return. It does not have to be that way, but I believe in equality--anything I do, the other person has the same right to. It allows a more positive space, more open.

I kind of do not "get it," but I do. Voicing exactly how you feel, asking questions, etc. can hurt some people/upset them. You become weary of how they might react and all, but I honestly feel that is the best way to go. In my experiences, thus far, speaking my mind, asking my questions to avoid jumping to conclusions, hearing out the other person and so on, has only shed away the ones that could not handle/accept me or did not truly care for me, and kept the ones around that accept me for who I truly am; they allow me to be me within their spaces. Granted, I might upset them, they might upset me; I might give insight they never thought of and they may give me the same and so on. But none of it takes away the value of them in my life and vice versa.

I believe Bob Marley said it best himself, "The truth is, everyone is going to cause you pain. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for."

I find the ones worth suffering for are the ones that you know would never intentionally hurt you, and if they do, own up to their mistakes. They are not perfect--no one is. But they are perfect just for you, adding to your life rather than stealing you away.


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