Nothing More Special

It is crazy how kind people can be when you least expect it. I have experienced nothing but an abundance of love and friendship with the current road bump I am experiencing in my life. And who is to say that all of them are truly honest in their way of reaching out to me--you never really know a person, right? But, regardless, I am appreciative.

I want to take time to appreciate my darling-loving mother, my faith-striving sister and my encouraging-supportive dad who is coming around to really be a factor in my life. Without them, first and foremost, I would be a mess. They have listened to me rant, and allowed me to be utterly broken and confused on the phone with them for hours. They have pushed me day in and day out to just get out of bed and continue living and excel. I lost sight of that, slightly. I mean, I knew where I wanted to be, what I wanted to go and all of that, but my actual actions to go further and beyond were sliding down a slippery slope. I had every intention on picking myself back up with writing and screenwriting this semester, but regardless, my thoughts would not have been fully present, because there are many other factors in life that are pretty much a full-time job as well. Anything that is precious, it needs tender care. I am an avid believer in that.

There are friends that have never left me, regardless of how far time has strayed us and regardless of how messed up situations I have found myself in the middle of. I want to thank them; I appreciate them dearly--my family without blood ties. They have heard me rant too, but not as heavily. It is just eye-opening to see who truly has your back at the end of the day, who truly loves you and they have made it clear that they are not going anywhere. Those few know who they are, and best believe when I say that I am taking them with me wherever I end up in life. Hopefully, somewhere awesome and amazing. And all, I have pushed away at times. Yet, one phone call, and they are right there for me. Some, it is as if they know trouble is brewing and they have a telepathic signal. Anyway, you guys are amazing. My team.


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